Monday, May 16, 2011

New website is now online

Finally after 5 longs months, countless late nights, endless cups of coffee and 2 trips to a Chiropractor to relieve the tension in my neck, thew new website is complete.
Its been a much bigger undertaking than I originally planned but the results have exceeded my expectations. I was lucky enough to find an incredibly talented and motivated web designer to work with me on this and together we built the website ive always wanted.
It started off as just a product showcase but has become more of an archive with over 1000 pictures of my current work and past custom creations. We have also added some videos and this is something we are actively going to expand in the coming weeks and months.
Now the challenge is going to be to keep this site going and constantly updated with new content and our next big step is going to be to translate the entire site into Spanish, German, Chinese and Japanese.
I feel more late nights coming on.